
Episode 002 — The Educational Makeup of a Chiropractor
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Title: The Educational Makeup of a Chiropractor

Episode Number: 002

Host: Dr. Thomas Lamar

Show Date: 01/15/2010

Run Time: 27:57

Description:  Ever wonder what it takes for a chiropractor to hang his or her shingle out?  And how does it compare to a medical doctor?  Dr. Lamar gives listeners a peak “under the hood” of the educational makeup of a chiropractor.

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Dr. Lamar’s chiropractic education newspaper article: “A Chiropractor’s Education Never Ends!

Washington State Health Professional Research Resource:  http://heal-wa.org/ As mandated by RCW 43.70.110.

Coulter, et al. A comparative study of chiropractic and medical education.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. Sep;4(5):64-75. 1998. (Here’s another summary of it).

Los Angeles College of Chiropractic curriculum.

Valahos K, Bond M. Knowledge of musculoskeletal medicine at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine. May 2002:28-32.  (sorry, I can’t seem to find an abstract online to link to. Here is a listing of this article from the Austrialian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine, and here is an article written about the subject). [Update: My apologies, it seems that the “Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine” journal was a bogus journal – ghost written by a pharmaceutical company and not peer reviewed.  The subject matter of the article regarding inadequate musculoskeletal competency levels in graduating medical student was the real deal however.  Here is a link to another journal, the Irish Journal of Medical Science, (which is not bogus) that reviews the same subject].

Taylor, et al. Interpretation of abnormal lumbosacral spine radiographs. A test comparing students, clinicians, radiology residents, and radiologists in medicine and chiropractic.  Spine. May 1995. 15;20(10):1147-53.

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