
Chips From Sweet Home

It’s destined to become the “buzz” of the profession and will have chiro-historians feeding on all 366 pages of its nectar for some time…

The ChiroPicker (aka Todd Waters) has done it again!

Chips From Sweet Home

Chips from Sweet Home -cover color

“As I was out chiro-picking one day, I came across stacks of articles written by DD during his apiary years — material that is virtually unknown to the chiropractic community and its historians. 

“This treasure trove of newly discovered DD Palmer material has become one of my greatest chiro-picking finds to date!  And while the book has little to do with chiropractic, it has EVERYTHING to do with its founder. 

“I am excited to announce that I have compiled this rare and nearly forgotten information into a volume that every chiropractic enthusiast will want for his or her own library — complete with illustrations commissioned just for this book.” 

Chips From Sweet Home, Writings of D.D. Palmer 1869-1881


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Listen to the “Story Behind the Story” in our interview with the author,
ChiroPicker Todd Waters, on SCR 166

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Readers Respond:

McDowall Chips From Sweet HomeFrom the Association for the History of Chiropractic Facebook Page:

Dr. Donald McDowall:

“Chips from Sweet Home” delivers. Thank you for writing such a great book, Todd. I can just imagine how many hours, expense and how much passion was involved in this project. Your signed, first edition of “Chips from Sweet Home” arrived. I just had to rip open the envelope to give it a quick leaf through. I just never thought there would be another 350 pages of info on DD Palmer still out there. I want you to know that your book will sit next to some special neighbors on my bookshelf. I love the illustrations throughout as well as the old ads for DD’s services. Well done. I hope they all sell and you recoup some of the expense for your efforts.
…Todd, my report on the first 130 pages of your book has 2 components. First, the challenge of making bee keeping a successful industry taught DD to study, observe, record, experiment, refine and report outcomes, peer review and publish useful observations. In effect he was learning the scientific protocols that are so essential in understanding health research today. He also went the next step to make his work profitable with an innovative business model similar to Ford, Edison and others of his era.
…Second observation includes what may be one of the most important parts of this book. On page 95 C Hotchkiss describes DD’s work in Bee Keeping after auditing his work at his farm as: “Let me say that everything pertaining to the business is done on strictly scientific principles.” This is a momentous peer review statement by a journal editor on August 8, 1877. How relevant is this statement to his work in health care to come later? Think about how much research is done today on insects and animals that help humanity? Heaps is the answer. DD followed a similar path helping the health of his Bees and providing a quality nutrition producto for the community. The success of bee keeping is to keep them healthy. DD was learning a method of investigation involving trial and error, in my opinion , that was to be the model for his future work in magnetic healing and chiropractic. If only we would apply a similar model with every patient we cared for! So Todd, this is what I have learned so far from your book that I think adds to the credibility and validation of DD Palmer as being a scientist and not just a “Bee Keeper”!
…Just finished your book, Todd. Well, I got to say I learned a lot about bee keeping and the lesson that there are ups and downs in all industries. Yes I did look for DD’s remedy for bee stings. It is on page 153. It now needs a double blind, cross over randomised controlled trial to validate it! Page 157 begins DD’s contributions to Zell’s encyclopaedia (wikipedia of the day) updating the section of bee keeping with his unique observations. Surprisingly, they were then critiqued by an MD (173) who disagreed with him! Probably the first of the many occasions. His ability to lecture his peers at an early age was capped by a motion to limit comment in the meeting. (177). DD then responds to the MD on page 181 in a spirited fashion. It was interesting to follow his style of debate which usually ended in a challenge to test his proposals. (182). One of the issues that caused him to leave bee keeping was the use of sugar by the retailers to dilute his honey for more profit. (210). He was proud of introducing the new technology of using slate writing as a weatherproof method of recording what he did with so many hives. He gave that frreely to his fellow Beekeepers. He was in fact, the national beekeeping society president. Quite a feat.
…I would like to make a comment about his brother, TJ Palmer, that may be of value to understanding Joe Foley’s paper on DD’s picture of the Palmer teaching Phrenology in the Opera house. TJ mentions that he managed the opera house of Medford and it may have been the building that Joe was looking for. It would seem that if DD wanted to lecture about anything then it would be an available venue. (294)
…The discussion of spiritualism at the end of the book is interesting. It was considered quite distinct from Christianity as DD discusses his beliefs and most probably was more associated with its French roots of Spiritism following Allan Kardec’s work.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Kardec) DD’s little book recording the exposé of Mott, the fake medium was quite a coup, Todd. I didn’t know he had written those leaflets. I now place your books next to Simon’s collection. I wonder how many chiropractors have explored Spiritism for the value that DD saw in it? I found it interesting that his first wife was a practicing medium. I think his last wife was,also. He seemed to like staying in touch with UI and other innates.
…Todd’s book adds that part of DD’s life I always wondered about but never knew. Thanks again, Todd.

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