
Episode 070 — Scoliosis and Chiropractic with Dr. Gary Deutchman


Title: Scoliosis and Chiropractic with Dr. Gary Deutchman

Episode Number: 070

Host: Dr. Thomas Lamar

Show Date: 06/17/11

Run Time: 41:48

Description:  Join Dr. Lamar as he sits down with scoliosis expert and founder of The Scoliosis Care Foundation, Dr. Gary Deutchman.  Dr. Deutchman, along with his partner Dr. Marc Lamantia travel around the nation assisting chiropractors with their scoliosis patients utilizing various methods which include Scroth Exercises and the SpinCor Brace. Listeners of Spinal Column Radio may recognize Dr. Deutchman as the chiropractor we interviewed back in Episode 023:  “Remembering 9/11 from the Hands of a Chiropractor.”  Recorded On Location at the Fall 2010 New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekend in Long Branch, New Jersey.

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ON LOCATION in New Jersey

-20th Anniversary-

An Interview with Scoliosis Expert

Gary Deutchman, DC

New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekends

Fall 2010

Dr. Thomas Lamar interviews scoliosis expert, Dr. Gary Deutchman on Spinal Column Radio.

• Learn more about Dr. Gary Deutchman

Scoliosis Systems

Scoliosis Care Foundation

– Dr. Deutchman’s Scoliosis Testimonial Youtube Videos

– SCR 023:  “Remembering 9/11 from the Hands of a Chiropractor”

• Learn more about New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekends

– Website: NBChiro.com

– Facebook Chiropractic Philosophy Fan Page

– Facebook Chiropractic History Fan Page 

– Facebook Chiropractic Group page  

Check out the New Beginnings Interview Archives! (plus see who’s still the cue for release)

Episode 023 — Remembering 9/11 from the Hands of a Chiropractor

SHOW NOTESRadio Microphone

Title: Remembering 9/11 from the Hands of a Chiropractor

Episode Number: 023

Host: Dr. Thomas Lamar

Show Date: 09/10/2010

Run Time: 59:32

Description: We must Never Forget the day the towers came down on September 11, 2001 — the day that our nation was attacked — inflicting the “deepest wound ever on American soil.” And while this day will forever have a place in the history books of the United States of America, it needs to also have a place in the consciousness of every American citizen, young and old. As we look back on this devastating event that occurred nine years ago, Dr. Thomas Lamar enlists the help of chiropractor Dr. Gary Deutchman to tell a 9/11 story that escaped mainstream media.

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Dr. Gary Deutchman

…An Extraordinary Chiropractor Who Did An Extraordinary Thing…. when our nation needed it most.

Gary Deutchman, D.C. of New York City

Remembering 9/11 with New York City chiropractor…

Gary Deutchman, D.C.

• provider of nationally recognized Scoliosis Systems™



• founder of the non-profit Scoliosis Care Foundation

• 1986 graduate of Life Chiropractic College

• volunteer chiropractic programs initiated and managed

– Hale House in Harlem

– Gay Mens Health Crisis Center

– Fratenite de Norte Dame

• 9/11 Ground Zero relief and rescue chiropractor

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• Dr. Lamar’s SpinalColumnBlog article: Chiropractors Lend a Hand at Ground Zero

plus photos, reference links, and addendum notes to allow you to dig deeper on this subject.

• Dr. Deutchman’s 9/11 Diary published in Dynamic Chiropractic

• Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research article on Chiropractic Ground Zero efforts

• Wikipedia article on 9/11 attacks

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